Sunday, January 30, 2011

Another rest in peace

Just when I think all the bad news is done with I get more.  

A co-worker of mine passed away last night from a drunk driving accident. I don't know who was the one drinking, but it's still terrible news to hear.

This is the third (and hopefully final) death in a month.  First was macs best friends cousin (not that I knew him but it still affected Mac so I'm counting it), then Brian and now Tiffany.  I guess death really does come in threes.

Brian's wake is Friday from 7-9. I'll be leaving work at 5 to make sure I get there on time.  I think my dad and his wife are also going to come with us. Stella (dads wife) used to bring Brian Spice Girl magazines or other memorabilia pertaining to them. Brian was a closet  Spice girl fanatic lol

Tiffanys death also means I'll have ANOTHER funeral/wake to go to. This sucks...

Rest in Peace Brian (1.27.11) and Tiffany (1.30.11)

Is January done yet???


  1. WOW!! I am so sorry to hear this. Such a reminder of how precious life is!!

  2. So sorry about your losses! :( Praying for you!

  3. Oh my gosh, so sorry about another loss for you!! So sorry that you are having to go through this. Praying for you!



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